
Cleaning out

In no particular order...

Land+Living highlights DDD (Detroit. Demolition. Disneyland.), an anonymous Detroit group that calls attention to distressed and decaying areas, making them visible by covering building façades in bright orange spray paint. It's a striking commentary on the city's condition -- not to mention a very interesting visual effect.
Via Tropolism.

Zhoen of One Word waxes nostalgic about tea. At least, she did a while ago...I'm not too punctual with these things. But it's a good excuse to link to her.

Did you like the discovery of Kiwa hirsuta? Now it's a plushie. You can make your own!

Sentient Developments has a too-short post about bald women in science fiction. Interesting stuff, although there's much more that could be said. And he forgot about Zhaan.

Sci-fi is a particularly powerful genre in that it can afford to be more experimental in its treatment of virtually any aspect that appears on screen. In science fiction, the weirder the better. And it only makes sense. When you’re trying to portray the future or otherworldliness, it helps to cross traditional boundaries.

In sci-fi films, bald women have conveyed a number of things in addition to desexualization, including masculinity, sexual ambiguity, dehumanization, youthfulness, and innocence. And paradoxically, bald women have also been used to portray an enhanced sense of sexuality and control.

Via A Sweet, Familiar Dissonance.

Brilliant cartoonist Dylan Meconis (aka quirkybird) has done a series of clever portraits of Battlestar Galactica characters in the Simpsons style.
Via Drawn!.

The First Annual MySpace Stupid Haircut Awards: in which poorly coiffed MySpace members are matched with their Marvel Superhero Alter-Egos, and then mercilessly mocked. The resemblances are quite uncanny. I can't wait for next year's event.
Via A Sweet, Familiar Dissonance.

Think bottled water is pricey and pretentious? How about bottled water that's been sung to?

Since the beginning of time, water has and always will be our most precious resource. The seas and the deep waters of the Earth carry with them the primordial rhythms of life, and water is considered to be the life giving blood of the Universe. As powerful as water is, it is mutable, receptive and sensitive. Water registers and faithfully transmits any frequency it is exposed to. In fact, scientific studies have proven that water is directly effected by the words, sounds and thoughts it is exposed to.

Water exposed to loving words and music showed brilliant, and complex crystallized patterns under the microscope at near freezing temperatures. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts and words, formed incomplete, asymmetrical patterns. * Over seventy five percent of the human body is made of water, and the Earth is made up of over seventy percent water. The implications of such scientific findings are extraordinary.

Inspired by these studies, H2Om, water with intention was created. The first ever, crystal clear natural spring water infused with the power of intention through the frequencies of words, symbols, music and thought. We gratefully offer you an interactive invitation to drink in and resonate with the vibrational frequencies of Love and Perfect Health.

It appears to be for real. Heaven help us!
Via Foodgoat.

If you'd like to take a trip back to the past, here's a fun CBC news report about a fascinating new phenomenon called "In-ter-net". Two remarks: 1) throughout the segment they call it just "Internet" rather than "the Internet", which is curiously jarring. 2) There's an interesting little dig at America at the end, where the anchor suggests that despite new attempts at regulation, at least north of the border information will remain forever free...
Thanks, Adam!

NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown.com reports on a city made entirely of biscuits. Mmm.
Via A Sweet, Familiar Dissonance, who's had a lot of great stuff lately.

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Anonymous Anonymous:

i wish our beloved planed earth to be having more of those silly-sweet
"Stupid Haircut Awards"
and less horrible news about human cruelty and nature catastrophes


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