

I am in one of my vivid dreaming phases, where I have long, elaborate dreams every night and recall them pretty clearly in the morning. This was one part of last night's.

Old buildings, brick and stone. Castles. Perhaps some kind of school campus. Everyone is dressed similarly, in white and black and gray and dark plaid -- uniform, or a rather limiting dress code.

A blond girl, student-age, is walking alongside an older woman (teacher perhaps? Some kind of authority figure), also blond. The girl is talking to her intensely about something important, and then breaks off, looking nervously around her.

Everywhere she looks, everyone seems to be looking back. Students stand, paused, watching the girl and the woman. All the attention is on her.

The girl tries to keep talking, but notices it too many times, among too many clusters of people as they pass. Why are they all looking at me?

Because you have them under your power, the woman answers evenly.


You put all of them under your power! the woman repeats. You did it.

Startled, the girl realizes to what the woman is referring. She flashes back to a scene of herself, alone, standing on the castle balcony at night, pacing, venting. She is frustrated and feeling helpless. "I wish everyone would just listen to me!" she rages to the night.

The girl turns pale, remembering. This seems to be a school where there is magic among the students. Her words were not simple words, and her anger gave them power. But she had no idea.

I said...that I didn't want to be ignored, she says slowly. That I wanted them to know how bad it felt. They are passing along some kind of rampart now, with a gathering of students standing just below, in the open space on the castle's roof. All have their eyes fixed on the pair. As she says this, some of the students let out cheers and whoops, raising their fists, in an almost automatic way. Why are they cheering at that? she says hotly. She doesn't have many friends among them...it is almost as if they are cheering her pain. The woman shrugs.

We have to find a way to break it... she says, and looks out over the crowd, which looks back up at her.

She resumes her earlier discussion with the woman, which was about some looming danger that they have to do something to stop. Now the entire school is party to the problem, and they plan something together. They set out to do it -- setting across the sea to somewhere in a longboat -- with all eyes still fixed on the girl, who sits in front, the only one not rowing. She sits sullenly, ignoring the unbreakable stares of the others focused on her back.



Anonymous Anonymous:

Hmm you really do have some interesting dreams. I like how you can remember them with such good detail. Kudos to your subconsciousness. (I don't think I spelled that right but oh well)



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